Monday, December 3, 2012

Weekend Happenings


After a 5 hour shopping trip on Saturday, where I was able to get all of Selena’s Christmas and birthday bought, I knew the only thing we had left to do was get our tree on Sunday. Don’t ask me why I forgot my camera when we headed out the door to go to the tree farm but I did, not only that but I didn’t have my cell phone on me either. It didn’t take us long to find our perfect tree. Selena was thrilled to get it in the house. This year we let Selena do most of the decorating after I got the lights on, then pretty soon all three of us were busy decorating away.


As Papa trimmed some branches off the tree so we could get it in the tree stand, Selena was busy hauling them in the house. I didn’t discover it until we were about done with the tree. When I asked her what she expected to be done with the branches now sprawled all over my dining room table, she informed me “Well, I just know you can make something pretty with them.


After a little thought the above is what I came up with. I am still not sure that I won’t find a place to put it and string a small string of lights on it to liven it up a bit. Right now it is in the middle of my dining room table.

The rest of the decorations are going a little slower. Not realizing this last summer I sold my couch table, it didn’t hit me until I was thinking about decorating for Christmas that I didn’t have a long table for all my Santas and Snowmen. Papa surprised me though by ordering me a smaller one that will be a little more functional in the house all year long, so we are just waiting for it to come in, then I can finish decorating. We should have it all up and in it’s place by Selena’s Birthday, allowing us plenty of time to enjoy our Christmas decorations.

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  1. You are creative!! I would never have come up with something so pretty :). Your tree is great!

  2. Your tree and branch decoration look very pretty. I hope you will have a very cozy Christmas season!

  3. Beautiful Christmas tree! Stopping by from the TOS blog linky. I'm your newest follower.
