Saturday, December 15, 2012

Turning 6


We kept Selena’s birthday pretty simple this year and spent it with family. Aunt Kelly and her boyfriend Tony came over for Pizza and Birthday celebrations. It was nice keeping it low keyed this year, though we know that Selena really had fun.

I got Selena really good, as I hid her cake in the laundry room. I suddenly announced that I forgot to pick up a birthday cake. Selena was truly disappointed and went on a hunt through the kitchen in hopes that grandma was just teasing. She really came to the resolve that I hadn’t picked up a cake. Aunt Kelly kept her attention by reading a book to her, as I snuck out and brought the cake in. Selena had no idea that I was setting the cake up on the dining room table. When Kelly finished reading the book I called Selena in the dining room to open birthday presents. I only regret that I didn’t have the camera ready to capture the look on her face when she first spotted a cake sitting in the middle of the table.



Selena loved all her gifts, though she didn’t get any toys, she did get a new pair of pajamas, a custom designed bracelet, and a real watch.


Stay tuned as I will be telling you more about her gifts, the birthday banner, and how it feels to have a 6 year old.

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  1. It is hard to know what to get a child whose birthday is so close to Christmas. We have that with our James, whose birthday is the 28th. At least we get to make use of the after-Christmas discounts. :) Happy Birthday, Selena!

  2. Happy Birthday, Selena! Hug her tight Debbie - as I'm sure all of us are hugging our six year olds this weekend.

  3. A real watch is a big deal! My kids are angling for one as well.

    Happy birthday Selena!

  4. Happy Birthday!! We've had several birthdays at our house this month too!

    Stopping by from the Crew!

  5. What a beautiful cake for the birthday girl!
