Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Upcoming Give-a-Way From

How many of you are looking forward to Spring? Well, the folks at swing sets for kids are thinking about Spring too. Swing sets for kids is one of the 200+ stores at and they have everything your child could ever dream of for a great Summer out of doors. I know that we are looking at various items to add to Selena’s little play ground, which is what she calls our back yard. We’ve thought of a larger swing set, well like the one below.

Winchester Complete Wood Playset Too bad Selena will have to keep dreaming about this one for a while since our back yard isn’t quite large enough for this, but I keep telling her Someday Sweetie, Someday!

We are talking about some other great things to add to our backyard though that we know that Selena would truly enjoy. You see at swing sets for kids they offer everything from trampolines, to bikes they have anything that a child could dream of having in their own backyard. Stay tuned for an opportunity to win a $60.00 gift certificate that you can use at In the meantime why don’t you head on over to swing sets for kids and get some ideas for yourself of what you might add to your child’s own little or large playground.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing the earlier post went out earlier than you meant to schedule it......
