Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Geography/History More Islands

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Since we learned what an Island is last week, I thought it would be fun to see if Selena could identify Islands on a map of the Puget Sound. These are just a few of the Islands that Papa and I have visited by boat before Selena was born. We would love to take her out by boat to visit some of them as well.

Anderson Island

McNeil Island

Fox Island

There are many Islands in the Puget Sound that provide beautiful beaches, nature trails and tourism. McNeil Island is home to the only Prison left in the United States that the only access to the Island is either by boat or plane.

We toured the Islands through pictures here on the Internet, finding a lot of information, history, and fun places we would love to explore. Not all the Islands have ferry systems running from the mainland. There are some that are owned by some of the Indian tribes. There are private Islands, many not named, one of which we have been to with the Olympia Yacht  Club.

We had to pull out the map as well to check our selves to just see if we could find some Islands in the Puget Sound.

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I was pleased that Selena was able to point to the Islands and again explain to me that an Island is a piece of land surrounded by water. I truly wanted her to see that not all Islands are only found in the wide open Ocean waters. Hopefully next Summer we will be able to hop the Ferry and go visit the San Juan Islands and who knows maybe we will even venture by ferry over to Victoria Island and who knows maybe even see some whales. That trip to Victoria, well even just to the San Juan Islands is a beautiful trip, I’ve been on it once and would love to share it with Selena.

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  1. I hope you will be able to visit these islands with Selena for real next year! These pictures with her reading the map are so cute.

  2. This is a great idea. I need to revisit the concept of islands with M as well.

  3. I can't wait to hear about when you visit some theoretical time in the future.

    Actually remembering to add my link now.
