Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More Science

Selena was just begging for more science this afternoon. I was a little stumped over what to do with her. I found this great site for some ideas. Science for kids has quite a few resources and simple science experiments.

Here is what we chose to do:


I put just enough milk in each container, we had 4 I could have gotten away with just 3, oh well. Then I added drops of blue and yellow, red and yellow, and I meant to do red and blue but got yellow instead of blue. Then we added a drop or two of dish soap, I think it would have turned out better if I would have had clear dish soap, but we still had fun.


It is always so hard to get pictures when we are right in the middle of an activity, Selena turns into an octopus if I don’t just keep the momentum going. So all you get is the before and after shots!

She had a lot of fun and got her science bug satisfied. We discussed how the colors mixed together to make new colors. She enjoyed watching what she called the colors dancing!

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  1. oo what a fun experiment.. I have bookmarked the page you referenced.. looks like they have some great ideas!

  2. Thanks for sharing the website! Looks like she had fun!

  3. I remember someone else doing that recently. I'm sure it'd be popular here. I'll go check out the site you linked.

  4. This is a fun experiment. Science has been pretty much non-existence here lately - I really need to get better with it.

  5. Thank you for the link!! Science is awesome! :)
