Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Plans

I thought we had firm plans for a vacation this summer, a great vacation home to see the family. Oh well since my husband's company lost the contract with the State, they are cashing him out on his vacation time, though he will continue to work for the new company that is taking over the contract (which is a blessing) he loses his vacation time. Maybe next summer.

How ever I do have a Summer to do list of things I hope to accomplish:

1. Take Selena to the Zoo
2. Go to the beach
3. Visit with husband's cousins in Redmond
4. Meet up with Laura, a high school friend, we haven't seen each other in 29 years! This is planned for July 17 and 18th!
5. Go visit with the Fenns and see how much the two girls have grown, (Wow we've been friends for close to 20 years, just shy of that)
6. Meet up with Angie, another high school friend.
7. leaving this space open for whatever we can find that is fun to do.
8. Figure out what color I want my hair to be, and what style to cut it in to.

I am sure that even though we won't get an actual vacation this year we will find many things to keep us busy. Who knows maybe my family will come over here and visit with us. We can only hope!
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