Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We Have the Flu


There probably will not be a regular Geography post this week. I woke up Monday morning rolled over and sat up only to have everything in the room jumping up and down. I felt like I was getting sick the last couple of evenings, then on Sunday I really didn’t feel good at all. Monday morning was the worse. By Monday afternoon, poor Papa was feeling achy and icky. So far Selena hasn’t complained and I hope that this continues.

While all of you link up your Geography/History lessons below, I will be recovering or cuddled in my blankets crocheting a baby blanket or nursing both a sick husband and granddaughter.

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  1. I am so sorry. I hope you all feel better very quickly.

  2. How awful! I hope it's a fast moving bug, and leaves quickly!

  3. I am so sorry you are feeling so bad. A similar thing with cold symptoms as well has hit our family for two weeks now! That is why I packed in school for this week and concentrated my energies on making everyone feel better. I am hoping that both our families will be back to normal soon!

  4. Oh no hope everyone feels better soon. Enjoy the cuddling

  5. Yikes! I hope you two feel better soon and Selena won't catch it.

  6. I hope you both feel better soon and Selena manages to avoid it. I woke up with a cold on Tuesday, but it is just a cold, the flu is horrible.
