While sometimes I wonder if these cleanses we have Selena on is doing anything at all, I do know she is feeling much better and is back to her normal self. This week she just begged to go back to school. So that is just what we did. She still had three sections left in her preschool curriculum which I did want her to complete before we started the new curriculum.
We worked on one of the sections, the letter X. Now Selena is no longer happy with stretching these sections out over an entire week, she wants to do them all in one day. This is because we are down now to more of a review of everything she has learned this year, just under a new letter of the alphabet. She works the pages totally independent now, all I have to do is read the instructions to her, and even then some of the pages this is not necessary, she sees the work and knows exactly what to do. Now there is a full review section after we finish Z but I doubt very much that I will do anything more with that then maybe place it in Selena’s work drawer and she can do it or not do it depending on her own desire. I am not huge on reviews when I know that my child definitely understands and knows the material.
Selena cracks me up. She is reading more then she wants people to know. She forgets herself often and we catch her reading all sorts of books, that she claims is too hard. She is becoming more confident in herself now though, and instead of the usual question of “What is this word?” she is breaking the word down and sounding it out. She doesn’t always get the word perfect, but you would be surprised how many times she does, for instance she figured out all by herself how to pronounce the word beautiful the other day.
Again we have fallen short in the math area. Selena loves to just sit and build her own patterns, and is so into counting, she counts all the time. The other evening she counted backwards from 20 to 0 very successfully. That surprised me, as she did this with out much effort, nor having the printed letters laid before her.
I had planned on doing so much more science, but when Selena got feeling poorly, science was put more on the back burner. We might not do much more science now until we start our new curriculum.
Selena enjoys sitting for hours and looking back through her scrapbook. She shares it with Papa all the time especially when she has added a new State. This week we looked at Utah. She can actually now tell us on the US map she is coloring where exactly the States of Washington, California, Texas, Alabama, and South Carolina are without any assistance.
As you can see this is quite an accomplishment since we do not label the States on this map.
We have been busy planning our vacation. I think we now have things pretty well figured out, just had to wait to hear from my oldest brother to know when they would be around so we could finalize the end of our trip. I am so excited to see my son, and he is insisting on taking his step dad fishing, I guess you know Papa is beaming about this!
I didn’t realize one of the local churches was doing VBS this week. I thought it would be fun for Selena to go to the last two days, but she kept telling us she was scared to go. At first I thought I would take her and just hang out until I could see how she handled it. After she was up through the middle of the night however, I decided that maybe she is still just too young for this and we didn’t go. She seemed relieved when I told her we would not make her go that morning.
VBS is so loud and chaotic (but fun), it can be a bit much for the younger ones. Probably wise, to wait, until she's ready to really enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteThe first picture is so adorable, and it's great that Selena feels so much better. I am so impressed with her coloring skills and ability to find the states on the blank map.
ReplyDeleteMy kids sometimes get nervous about going to things like VBS too.
ReplyDeleteSeems like you're doing great with your little girl- she's so sweet!
What a wonderful week! I really like Selenas' map coloring activity.
ReplyDeleteI keep wanting to ask you but forget- where can i fond out more info about your postcard exchange? And where did you find that map? Thanks in advance Debbie :)
ReplyDeleteOur church is doing VBS next week and I think I've decided that my little monkey is still too young (she'll be 4 in August). The timing for our VBS is from 6:00 - 8:00. That's the time we eat dinner, take baths, and hit the sack around here. I know that she wouldn't make it through it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe next year right?