Saturday, February 20, 2010

What We Are Reading


Selena has really enjoyed reading this week. She is often found sitting on the couch reading her Bible, or one of her favorite books. Independent reading is becoming a regular routine for her. She loves to take a book with her to read during quiet time/nap time, and at bedtime. My favorite time though is when we read together. We are doing a lot of making up stories especially at bedtime. She much prefers for me to make up a bed time story, then she makes one up for me. These are such sweet tender stories, that I think we both will treasure for years to come.

balletsisters Ballet Sisters, The Newest Dancer by Jan Ormerod was one of favorite finds at the library this week. It is an easy read with cute illustrations. The story is about two sisters, the oldest one has been taking dance lessons for a while. During one of her dance lessons her younger sister peeks around the corner. The instructor sees her and asks her if she can dance. The instructor announces to her that she can start dance lessons in the other class. It is adorable how the older sister makes sure her younger sister has everything she needs for her new dance lesson, and how they both share their love for dance.

truelove Truelove by Babette Cole, is a very cute book about a dog who feels left out when a new baby is brought home. He ends up running away and having some wild adventures. The ending shows true love and forgiveness. I would recommend this book to anyone that is expecting a baby with an older child.

readyforanything Ready for Anything by Keiko Kasza was a very fun book about a duck and a raccoon who are getting ready for a picnic. The raccoon is a bit of a worry wart, and can imagine all the worse happening on their picnic, including running into a fire breathing dragon in a cave. Duck after listening to raccoon’s story turns things around and tries to point out to raccoon that the picnic might end up being nice. Raccoon gives in but not before preparing himself for everything. Which is a good thing as Duck forgets to take the picnic lunch.

To see what others are reading jump on over to Mouse Grows Mouse Learns. While your there why not share with us what you are reading.

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  1. Those are really cute books. We use The Young Reader's Bible by Standard Publishing for a beginning reader, it's a fun way for the little ones to be able to read through the a Bible of their own.

  2. I think M would love Ballet Sisters! Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. I love it that Selena loves to make up stories. I am afraid I am not very good at making up stories - I usually just end up retelling the ones that she already knows. Thanks for sharing your picks this week - we will look for the first one in our library, probably when we try a dancing class again :)

  4. Don't forget to record Selena's stories, I"m sure they're too cute for words.
    That last book looks like fun.
