Saturday, April 27, 2013

Homeschool 101


I haven’t been around much the past couple of weeks, well I’ve been here but I have been busy. Our homeschool group put together a Homeschool 101 information and curriculum share for the community. If your homeschool group is wondering how to reach other homeschoolers and those interested in homeschooling I highly recommend considering organizing an event.

We advertised our event with flyers placed in libraries, post offices, businesses, as well as had the radio stations advertise for us. We also spread the word to everyone we knew. The event was held in a local church and was totally coordinated and ran by us the homeschoolers.

We had speakers on different homeschool methods, curriculums, State laws, and offered many resources both in website links to contacting curriculum publishers and getting their catalogs. We also shared all the events that we currently have in our area as well as new ideas for events we would like to begin.

The night finally came and not knowing how many we would really have turn out we were greatly surprised to have at the least 60 mom’s come out. Some were homeschoolers, desiring inspiration and looking for new ideas. Many were new to homeschool, or gearing up to start homeschooling.

The speakers were limited to 10 minutes, I spoke on unschooling, and we shared a little about our story, why we homeschool, why we chose the method we are using, a little about our curriculum we use, and what a basic day looks like in our home. After all the speakers finished we opened it up for question and answer, then we broke off to mingle, greet and meet. I believe it truly was during the greet and meet time that we were able to give the most attention to personal questions.

We also had a used curriculum sale, which provided us with a chance to share our recommendations and open the door of communications with those who maybe wouldn’t have spoke up otherwise.

The evening was a true blessing to all involved, those presenting and those receiving. We all learned from each other, as well as connecting, and leaving very encouraged knowing we had just met friends with a common bond.


My find of the evening was this wonderful book, Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Bolsford Comstock, which sales for about $40.00 on Amazon, are you ready I got it for $8.00. It has just about everything you want to know about the world around you. Selena was so excited to find this new addition in our homeschool area when she woke up.

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  1. We are planning to have something like this in June. Sounds like it was a success. I might end up picking your brain ;). Great find! It's on my list!!

  2. What a cool event to have! I'd of gone to something like that, I'd probably still go to that :)

    I've been meaning to pick up a copy of the Handbook of Nature Study, it's supposed to be awesome!

  3. This is great that you found so many like-minded people. Hopefully this will lead to new friends for you and Selena.
