Friday, November 2, 2012

Week in Review

We had a fairly busy week. While we do not celebrate Halloween in the traditional manner, we still enjoy some pumpkin fun, art time, and of course eating candy. Selena had so much fun yet again this year with her pumpkin. Papa picked it out this year and surprised her.

Our pumpkins always get cooked off and froze for pumpkin pies and cookies. Just out of this pumpkin alone we got enough pumpkin for 10 pies and two batches of cookies.


Selena and I both love the Autumn colors. We enjoyed a lot of exploring these colors in nature, while it rained for a good part of the week, there were still a lot of looking going on, looking for all the red, yellow and orange signs of Autumn.



After observing all the colors of Autumn around us, it was time to pull out the paints and create our own Autumn art.


We finished up our first booklet in our PACE History curriculum and are very close to finishing up our first Science booklet as well. Selena is looking forward to digging into the new booklets to see what new words she will learn to write. We also had fun in math, adding a little hands on just to try to take some of the hum drums out of the repetitiveness, one of Selena’s worse complaint is the repetitiveness of most subjects.


First grade is moving right along, Selena is learning a lot and we are having fun making new discoveries.

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