Saturday, January 22, 2011

So Many Different Faces

We went from deciding to put our rubber boots on to head out the front door only to realize the puppy slipped out as well. As the puppy ran up the street with Selena on his heels, well as close as she could stay on his heels, with Grandma running up the street on Selena’s heels, while all of us still in our pajamas in a down pour of rain, getting soaking wet…well I think you are getting the picture…so on with my story.

To Selena changing her clothes and pretending she was a prince with a disappearing wand. Believe me I cracked up when I turned around to see this sight. She stopped her little game just long enough for me to get a picture of her.

100_4271 I think you are going to begin to see some very funny outfits, or rather choices of tops and bottoms, as Selena has discovered the game of changing her clothes throughout the day. She doesn’t care if it is a pajama top, and pants or skirt, or a shirt and pajama bottoms, she is just having so much fun dressing herself, not to leave out socks and shoes, sandals, or rubber boots.

Then she decided she had to be domesticated come evening after dinner, so after going in and changing one last time from her pants to a skirt, she retreated in to grab a dish towel out of the drawer and help me do the dishes. She dried all the plastic items, and the silverware, then put them all away.


She is definitely growing up, becoming very independent, and a handful at times. I love this stage, while at times I could just scream when she wants to test her authority, I know that she is growing into the bright, independent and domesticated diva, or little girl, which ever you prefer to call it. My days are so full of fun, teaching, and training, but you know what I LOVE IT!

Now I am off for the weekend, well at least today, as I am joining a very good girl friend of mine for some time at a nearby casino for lunch and some good laughs. Gamble????? Well possibly a little, but I truly am not a gambler, never have been and never will be. I do however look forward to having some girl’s time!

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  1. Have a great girls day out!

    And that first picture with the barbies in the shirt is too much fun.

  2. Have fun with your friend. I know what you mean about this age - I am going from loving it to being frustrated with all the testing and disciplining several times a day!
