Friday, August 6, 2010

Vacation Nearing an End

Here it is Friday and our vacation is nearing it’s end. I know that by this time we are all ready to come home. We probably had a lot of fun, seen a lot of places, did a lot of things, threw in a lot of relaxation, and visited with family and friends.

I have been off the computer now for this entire time and will be looking forward to posting all about our adventures, with tons of pictures to share and stories to tell. Yes, and of course I will be playing catch up on all of you and what you have been up to.

Now, my blog will probably rest through the weekend as we get home, start the chore of unpacking, and resting. You can all be assured though that by Monday you will be able to see Spokane through Selena’s eyes!

Thank you for sticking around and awaiting our return! See you all real soon!

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