Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reading Award

reading award

Michele at Homeschooling With Love gave me this award. Thank you Michele. I always enjoy visiting her site and seeing all the interesting things she is doing with her kids. They are always up to something interesting!

The conditions of this award is to give it to three bloggers who read to their children. The three that read to their children and give me such great ideas for books in our home are:

Natalie at Mouse Grows Mouse Learns. She also hosts the What We Are Reading carnival every week. Her and Anna find some of most interesting books and have so much fun reading together. Sometimes I wonder how she can read so many books with Anna, but I love the fact that she does!

Ticia at Adventure in Mommydum. She always has the answers to which books to read when you are stumped about a subject. She is also so funny and always has great descriptions of the books she is reading to her children, as well as how her children react to the books they read together!

Leah at An Almost Unschooled Mom. She is always reading with her children. She really knows how to bring everything they read to a real life experience for her children, rather it be cooking something in the kitchen, a science experiment, or a great craft project!

List 3 things your Children like to read about.

1. Selena loves to read about anything that reflects family and the love between family members.

2. She loves princess stories. While she has a lot of Disney Princess things, she doesn’t care for the books, but she does love books that just turn plain little girls into princesses through dance, and pretend play.

3. Mostly though Selena just enjoys a book that is sweet, maybe a little funny, but mostly full of love.

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  1. You know I'll have to think for a while to think about what types of books my kids like best.
    Thanks for thinking of me with this award!

  2. Thank you so much! I love this award, and I just know who I am going to pass it to.
